Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What is this Preggers Talk??

What is the big deal about me? Or more to the point is what is the big deal about me getting pregnant? Are these wannabe tabloid reporters nuts?

For one, not all people who go or move away is pregnant. Sometimes they just need to do so because they have to WORK. Sometimes they go away because they need to study. And sometimes they go away because they are just so goddamned tired of listening to this small group of people trying to entertain themselves by gossiping about others "who got away".

So for the record, I am not effing pregnant though I am FAT. I live in a better place, making a great living to send myself to school. If you are reading this, you wannabe tabloid reporters, you can just shove it up yours!

Yes, I AM living with someone. But I am intelligent enough to know my options. Not all domestic partnerships happen because the girl got pregnant. And I don't plan to be pregnant for a long time.

So why don't you make your world a bit bigger than that peanut you're living in and keep your noses out of other people's lives?

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